PASSIVHAUS E ACTIVE HOUSE IN ITALY a reasoned statements on the standards
Pubblicato il 26-01-2017

Active and passivhaus houses: two leader inspirating models for designers. Every day we experience more and more innovative solutions by offering prototypes of buildings (not only housing) to help you get the best house energy performance in the various climate contexts. Both design models have the common goal to minimize the dependence of fossil fuels by increasing energy efficiency and promoting renewable energy. Despite having the same goal – to make feasible the energy revolution -the passive houses and active homes have widely differences between them that is important to clarify. The conference will be an opportunity to take stock of the current situation and the differences between the two standards of design with examples of great importance.
CREDITS for: Architects 3 cfp, 1 cfp Surveyors, Engineers 3 cfp, Experts 3 cfp