The project started with an unconventional request, within a very tight budget, to build a house that can change in space and in funtion, incorporating long-term social considerations to fit ownwer unknow future changing or needs, as they grow older or lose full mobility.
The clients – old open-minded couple– wanted a home for retirement as a strong counterpoint to their actualy downtown house. Talking with the owners, the idea was to enclose indoor rooms as little as possible to maintain the sense of outdoorlife and have a space completely focused on garden and sorrounding nature.
As a design principle, we brings time and change to the forefront of thought, by their reconceptualization. We focus on a balanced design approach between hard and soft flexible architecture who makes the housing project more resilient to obsolescence because it allows for the optimization of space (from the level of an individual unit typology to renting house units, to a co-housing unit…) and from one point in time to the entire lifecycle of the building.
Inside the volume, space is project to meet different scale functionality so it be used for any variety of activities: sleeping, gathering, lounging, renting room, mononuclear or recomposed family. The purpose of this project is flow of space without hard interruption. Storage unit and custom cabinet rearrange housing configuration that can adapt itself to different privacy, space, and use requirements.
The interior design choice was keeping on basic and working on primary colours, as white (for wall-cabinet and ceiling) and shades of saturated grey (for gres tiles continuum flooring and doors). According to this approach the aesthetic and decorative component is delegated to the composition of volumes, to the incidence of light (natural and artificial) on architectural fittings, to the relation among doors and movable element.