we was requested by ownwers (an young couple) to refurbishing an old fashion maison du maitre into a new residence which would be sensitive to the genius loci, whilst maximising the contemporary living needs and to create an international lifestyle atmosfere.

Our design’s objective was to create an ambinace that is rooted in history, while at the same time totally modern. For this, as architects, as well as designers, we use our competence and olistic point of view, as trait d’union to meet and merge the old shelter with the new interiors.

Our approach was to combine many of the original elements with modern touches to create a space with an elegant, contemporary, yet unique feeling. We preserves historical aspects of house (such as exposed architectural fittings, select plaster decoraction, the in-line plan layout) while adding new funtional servicies (kitchen, bathrooms, plants…); the decoration scheme recalls traditional ones, while the interior design ensamble works on new proportion, simple grafic elements, contemporary material, assemblies, game of proportions and contrast. The tecnique of overlayed layouts is the one who creates the link between its historic shell and contemporary interior featured; furniture are made from a mix of materials and arranged in a cool scenic ambinace and are combined by custom pieces, ready made and antique one.